
Turn on your ears

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turn on your ears
grafica di Marco Smacchia

Turn on your ears is a research project about contemporary audio-fiction to investigate the interaction between theatrical practice and audio creations. 

Born in 2020 with the aim of divulgating and investigating the “invisible scene,” Turn on your ears is made up of several actions: the online journal about audio drama and audio fiction AF – Altre Frequenze, Dialoghi e ascolti attorno all’audio-fiction (public meetings with experts and artists from the Italian and international theatrical and radio scene), Talk Radio Live and the podcast series Sulle tracce di… and Corpo alle ombre.

Turn on your ears is a project of Altre Velocità, curated by Ilaria Cecchinato and Rodolfo Sacchettini. It is supported by the Emilia-Romagna Region and the Ministry of Culture in Italy.


AF - Altre Frequenze

An online journal about Italian and international audio drama and audio fiction. Edited and curated by Ilaria Cecchinato e Rodolfo Sacchettini.

Sulle tracce di...

A listening experience among voices, sounds, noises and archival materials to meet and learn about the masters of the Italian and international theater scene.

Corpo alle ombre

A podcast series dedicated to theater musicians and to compositions for the stage. Edited by Alex Giuzio and Giulia Penta.

Dialoghi e ascolti attorno all'audio-fiction

Public meetings structured in dialogues, listening and live performances with researchers, experts and artists of Italian and international theater, radio and podcasting. A project created and curated by Ilaria Cecchinato and Rodolfo Sacchettini.

Talk Radio Live

Live radio episodes dedicated to the art of theater. Curated by Altre Velocità

For more...

The human ear reflexively reacts to the oscillatory motions of acoustic frequencies and translates those movements into nerve impulses. These, as soon as they reach the brain, are decoded by it, allowing us to perceive sounds. It is a physiological and intimate relationship between the outside and the inside of us that makes us part of the world and vice versa.

Always attentive and sensitive to the relationship between audio and theater, and convinced of the creative potential of the podcast medium, Altre Velocità realizes Turn on your ears, a research and divulgative project around contemporary audio-drama and audio-fiction. The aim is to investigate the interactions between theatrical practice and today’s audio creations, in order to intercept new lines and narrative modes of the fiction genre, stretching our ears towards international contexts too.

The analysis began with a mapping of the most significant Italian and foreign audio productions and now continues with a series of in-depth actions aimed at highlighting continuity and discontinuity with the tradition of radio drama, investigating the new frontiers of audio and podcasting and promoting the culture of listening. The research is accompanied by podcast production, in order to experiment with the potential of audio for journalism and critical storytelling about theatrical art.

Turn on your ears is a project supported by

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